Thursday, July 4, 2013

Divine Connection: Your Kingdom Come

WARNING: This post will be very much on the spiritual side. And is based on writer's own personal understanding and experiences. Not for logical-minded consumptions. Only read on if you are willing to be challenged to explore the supernatural things of God

I cannot believe what happened last night. Divine connection...that was the word. Phoebe brought me to see one of her friends from Kingdom City church. Her name is Radiance. And they were telling me all their awesome experiences in all the inter-churches activities.

She and Phoebe are friends for long time now, and once in awhile, they will just pick a place, and decide to pray...wait for God's leading to pray for people. And they see people get healed from sicknesses, even legs grew to same length!!

Radiance is a girl who has been doing many inter-church thing for awhile now. Last year God challenged her to stay in Kingdom City. And so she did. Now she is submitting to the pastor there. She was sharing how every year there's this gathering of nations in Jerusalem. Its called the Annual Nations Convention in Jerusalem (ANCJ). So, every year 180 nations will be represented, like Malaysia will send someone to gather and pray for blessings over the nation (according to her its a practice since bible time in one of the minor prophet books).

So in 2011, someone begin to prophesy that Malaysia is entering year of Jubilee the next year. Then someone who was representing Malaysia said: this cannot be right, it should be the 50th year 2013 before Jubilee comes... But that person who prophesied said..."no you are is in the bible that they say it is 7 x 7 years...meaning the 49th year entering to the 50th year that is called the year of Jubilee...meaning 6th September 2012 - 6th September 2013...that's our Jubilee here in Malaysia...Jubilee is a time where good things and great blessings will come to a nation. Oppressed set free, and even the lands will be healed (consecrated).

So at that time, people were taken aback in Jerusalem. They were pondering: how now with this revelation? We are not prepared yet. And thank God someone told them before we enter Jubilee! According to Radiance, Jubilee is a very big thing in a nation. Even in Singapore (according to her), they have 4 more years to jubilee, but they already prepared trumpets, everything  (position people), the moment the right time comes, everyone's gonna like blow horn together to consecrate the land.

The year of Jubilee is when God will consecrate the land. But God is good, God revealed to us in time. And another amazing thing I found out is that: 6th Sept 2012 was the Hebrew Calendar's new year. We started the year exactly hand in hand with Israel's new year...n it cannot be a coincidence. So we are in par with the Hebrew calendar now on the year of Jubilee.

So that was 2011. Radiance was there. She said usually gatherings like these, other countries such as China will have 400 people, Uganda 200 people and so forth, but Malaysia will almost always only have 5-6 people in total. But in 2012, they decided to send more people because it is a  year of Jubilee for us. So Malaysia sent about 60 people to Israel...who went there without visa (illegal in a way). They flew to Bangkok then fly to Israel. Shortly after, Najib revoke restrictions to Israel. And we believe this is not a coincidence as well.

Then...the peak of the story came. Radiance mentioned in 2012 ANCJ, Pastor Phillip Mark from Kingdom City was there. It was a time nations prophesy over nations! Taiwan, Uganda everyone was prophesying over Malaysia. It was a year Malaysia was being prophesied the most. Many nations said: Malaysia we are waiting for you, Malaysia we are looking at you etc...

And she said, not only once, or twice or only Cindy Jacobs (when she came to CHC)...but many many other prophets prophesy that Malaysia is the KEY to revival in Asia. That's why revival had already happen in Korea, Singapore and etc, these nations even send forth so many missionaries yet no actual revival was sparking off in Asia yet. Why? The only reason everyone could think of was: because Asia was waiting for Malaysia! And that year in Jerusalem, John Mulinde (someone who disciples nations- come into a nation, talk to leaders to ask to disciple them) approach pastor Phillip Mark to come to Malaysia on 26-28 July to conduct a conference! Now, I have never heard of John Mulinde before, but apparently this man won't go anywhere unless God ask him to go. Many nations tried inviting him but was countlessly rejected. This time he offers to come to Malaysia! And many prophets are indeed coming to Malaysia. What more proof do we need to know that revival is very near?

The land is ready (Malaysia),  but the world is waiting for the people of God to rise up to bring forth revival...when the churches become one ...that would be the time! So she was saying, if look around, we would have realized, layers of members below pastors in churches across the nation are having an awakening. But pastors not the same time we can see pastors are going more and more into what God is preparing the nation toward. In CHC, we have begin to focus on His word, next generation, honor and so forth...

So, the moment the pastors unite...that's when the revival will spark off. Gotta pray for our leaders to catch the fire. I definitely don't wanna miss this wave of revival going on in our nation! Then she said God had also impress on her heart about next generation (I know right? So flow with us!). Generations before were very oppressed by leadership, because some leadership were too afraid that their young people become bigger, and difficult to control. Therefore, they kept the younger generation down. But God is commanding the Elijah to Elisha anointing now. The call to impart...

Bible says the in last days, spirit of Elijah will come upon the people. People thought it was the spirit of doing many miracles. But indeed, it is not the spirit to strike rock and get water gushing out from it, or to part seas. But the spirit of impartation! Double portion of anointing! See, Elisha was more powerful not because he was super capable, but because he built on what Elijah has built before. He didn't have to start all over again. Same with Moses and Joshua... So for instance if I disciple a group of young people, and I groom them to believe they can raise the dead (by raising dead myself), then when I pass on, these group of young people already knew they can raise dead. They don't need to start from zero trying to discover if they can, how and so forth...they build on what I already founded / established and expand. In other words, the next they will try to attempt is probably going through walls! Haha! Greater things from generation to generation! So all of us must be secure enough to not be fearful of the younger generation doing greater things than us!

I have never felt so excited about God's move. And then she shared how she wanted to do a lot, there's a lot of dreams...but God asked her to WAIT and HONOR. The word that keeps appearing is honor. Honor her leaders. Pray for her leaders. That was the same word that kept appearing to us....Phoebe and myself. Indeed, God's spirit is same throughout nation. We will know if a person is truly in touch with when we are moving in the same burden as many men n women of God of the nations. See if we are in touch with God, and we are praying for our nation, most likely we will all get the similar prompting, burden and word from God. Because we are of one nation.

The same word that has been repetitive in my life recently, has been the same in Radiance, Phoebe, Shirley, Sharon......inter-church unity, honor, imparting to the next generation, Elijah Elisha, Joshua generation, social justice! Wow!....How can this be coincidence? We are all simply tuning in to the same channel!

Both of them inspire me so much. To be so dependent of the Holy Spirit and to be OBEDIENT! I want to come to that uncommon clarity. While sharing with them yesterday, I could not help but feel a very strong presence of God in that place. After that they shared with me that when they worship God sometimes, when the presence of God is really evident, Gold dust will appear on their palms. I told them one day I wish to see it too. Then they couldn't stop laughing. Radiance said, "I can show u now!" ....I was dumbfounded....I asked, "for real? Now?"

"Yes"...Radiance answered. Then they were all ready to pray, but before they started praying as they looked at my palm, Radiance exclaimed "Its already there!" 

I looked...I didn't see anything."Do you need eyes of faith to see it?"...I asked naively.
" is really there. Look carefully" Radiance and Phoebe insisted.
Then as I looked and looked, moving my palms from side to side... There they were.... gold dust on my hands! Not 1 dot, not 2 dots, but many dots...shimmering! And I went crazily excited like a kid! God at that point, is not just in Spirit. He became physically EVIDENT to me! And that excites me so so much! Wow!

Going crazily excited, 10 something, I went looking for Sharon Boon to share all these. And as we were sharing I looked at her dust. I showed her. We both gone berserk! See, it is never about the gold dust. But this truly touches my heart.... how God can reveal Himself to us in evident ways as long as we pay attention and we are eager to seek Him. He is God. He can basically do everything.

I don't wanna miss what God is doing in my generation or in this nation. I want to go see what John Mulinde will be doing this coming July. I really really feel so privileged being where I am now. Finally found more people who gets excited for the same thing that excites me....and even more...challenge me to be more obedient and spirit led. I have got so so so much more to learn still...