Monday, January 31, 2011


Emotions....can be really scary

They can be your best friend....and make you feel really good.
Or they could be your enemy...toiling your heart up and down, juggling act of clown.

But, emotions is one thing that differentiates us from the non-living things around us. Emotions allow us to be human, allow us to understand, to love, to LIVE.

Without emotions, we are all dead. So celebrate having emotions! cautious about being emotional.
The smartest communicators are those who are able to MANAGE emotions, take control of it...and not make emotions their master.

How does it feel like when emotions are your master? You listen to what it ask you to do...most of the time, you don't just FEEL...and that is enough to drive you to act.

Master your emotions. Feel what you need to feel, by all means feel it...but not follow its lead.  You are the leader. Not your emotions.

But there is a fine line to it. To be emotionally controlled, and emotionally rigid.

Emotionally rigid is a result of shutting off to avoid oneself from feeling more pain...and eventually numb out other feelings from entering the heart. This is danger. This could make a person a cold-hearted robot instead of being human.

So how to be healthy emotionally? Ask God... :) And never ever act based on your feelings. You always end up regretting. Act according to the Word of God, and according to the right principles and virtues. Be an honorable person, respect others and respect yourself.

The quote of the day: Master your emotion, and not make emotion your master :)

With life without regrets.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


You are not perfect..
But you are made perfect in Him :)

You do not need to try very hard to be someone else
You do not need to try very hard to be righteous or accepted

It is done for you. You are made righteous, accepted, made in the image of God.

The realization of this is HUMBLE one person, and to make him/her more and more in love as well as dependent on God.

Seek not perfection in life. Seek His face and you'll find perfection in His Joy.

Psalm 51:17
The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit,

A broken and a contrite heart—
These, O God, You will not despise.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year 2011!!

So, this is it! 2011! Woohoo...

This year I plan to blog more. Oh well, we shall see :)

2010 has been an amazing year for me. Went through many ups, many downs...learning how to live life, and be more like who God wants me to be. Juggle between many huge transitions of life. Successes, failures, hopes, name it! Told ya 2010 isn't gonna be the same when it came last year.

Now it is 2011. And I think it is going to be way different and whole lot more amazing than before.

In 2010, I did a thorough research on quite an interesting specimen. Yes. Human specimen. Don't worry, I got all the paperwork straightened out. No ethical issues involved. But mine, she is quite amusing.

Introducing.....tat tat tat daaa *trumpet blowing*

SPECIMEN S355164!!

I know right? so cute...Applause please!

I often hear of people saying...actions speaks louder than word. So throughout 2010, I studied S355164. As she lives on the motto "actions speak louder than words", the motion of action, keep doing and doing and doing and doing became so much more significant than years is good I would say, but not all  good (trust me, I experimented with it). People who keep going and going without stopping to think or ponder, begin to become more robotic, more technical, saying more of "it must be done now", more impulsive, feeling more and more busy (but are they?)...less relaxed, more uptight, results-oriented.- Labeled as the Type A Behavior (wow, I remembered! :P)

Often time, life isn't suppose to be that dead serious. See, people could miss out fun...but they thought they were doing something real important that could seriously cause world doom's day, should they stop being serious for a minute. So they punish themselves, and abstain from fun. Or rather, thinking they were being useful, so long as they are not associated with fun.

Ah! Humans....pfftt....the measure they would take just to feel a little better about themselves....LOL...I finally get to see what it is like for S355164, working...white collar world, being in the "career-y" environment. When the office attire is put on, many specimens, including S355164 suddenly just transform into another person. Reminds me of the Zimbardo's famous experiment (of wardens and prisoners). Even mindset could be transformed in mere split second.

Amusing, isn't it? So in 2011, Specimen S355164 informs me that she is about to try something new. The art of balancing reality and imagination. Why you might ask? Specimen S355164 see the importance of equipping herself with the world's knowledge.....necessary details to allow her function in society. Yet, Specimen S355164 wants to live in a world where she is STILL allowed to dream and see those dreams come to pass (breaking away from rigidity - side effect of aging). Not something easily done. A little mix of hard work, perseverance, faith and hope.

Ooo...she is gonna add on the FUN factor into everything she does as she accomplish her 2011 resolution! Hmm....I wonder how. Oh well, let the creative juice flow as the year unveil its surprises...! Well, it is not easy for mankind to notice the dominion of one side of the world, in all honesty. I consider Specimen S355164 quite blessed to have noticed this in the early stage (before rigidity becomes a permanent disease).

Rock on Specimen S355164! You made it to this point, thus far. Great 2010! get ready to dive!

Welcome, 2011! Woohooo
*wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle*