Monday, December 31, 2007

The end of 2007

The last day of the year 2007 has finally come...

This morning i woke up...earlier than usual...having the mixed feeling of happiness as well as some sense of "missing feeling" in my heart. And the memories flow in like a great deal of waterfall...pouring in stimulating the neurons to rapidly fire in the memory boxes of the is good to sit down, having the chance to just reflect on what has been going on throughout the year.

2007 had been a smashing year for me. I miss the great deal of wonderful journey I have had in 2007, yet happy that I know a new year is a time to start all over with new resolutions as well as new goals, new perspectives....holding on to the saying that "the best is yet to come!"...yet also feeling a little sad that i am in fact growing a year older =P in age! And glad that it is an indication and expectation that i will grow a year older in my maturity hand in hand with my age..hahha.. *cross fingers*

2007 have been one of the greatest year of my life...with many breakthroughs and many good and bad times. The deepest pit of life was in this time of my life, yet the highest peak is also in this very same year. All in all in every circumstance i face this year, i find myself being able to find my way to breakthroughs after breakthroughs in life. This year has in fact been the year i personally awarded as having the most breakthroughs experiences in every aspect of my life. And i really want to thank God for putting me in all the positions and meeting me up with all the great people that have been great inspirations to me. Great friends, great leaders, great family :) 

A lot of FIRST happened this year..and to know the specifics you have gotta ask me =P ...All in all, it has been really great for me as even in the deepest pit of my life, i have found an extraordinary strength and great lessons as well as revelations behind it, and even in the highest peak of my life, i have learnt to be less overwhelmed and get things balanced up....many changes, - physically, emotionally, spiritually...many experiences...

And the best end to the year is...this morning, i woke up with inspiration of having ideas of what i ought to do to fix and enhance in life, having a glimpse of what is necessary to focus be honest this would be the FIRST year that i actually have a proper new year's resolution...haha...that is because previously...all new year's resolution set...either too comfortable, or me trying to accomplish too many achievements at once. And most of the time, halfway through i forget about my own resolutions..hrmpph! this year MUST be determined and do better! yeah!

Right here...before the end to the last blog of this year, I really want to thank God for this wonderful year, and also thank all the wonderful people who have made the walk of my life a smashing journey, decorated with various colorful memories. Let's strive for betterment in the great year to come and hand in hand let's find the greater vision for the year 2008! =)

2008 HERE WE COME!!!

and officially, i would like to seal the last blog of my first year of entering the blogging world with well wishes to all. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE =)

hugs. love. kisses.