Thursday, September 5, 2013

Embracing My Personality

Recently I have been going crazy over personality tests.

Why? Simply because I am a Psychology Freak. Yes I am. It amuses me when the tests could describe me so well....and amuses me even more when they describe my friends so accurately!

And I get to kinda find out more about others and myself as well. One of my friends told me the test kinda allow her to realize why she feels the way she feels sometimes, what frustrates her and what fuels her. Hence, she has now found the purpose and focus...and ready to embark on that!

WOW! So cool.

Nonetheless, here is mine!

This is my DISC Test Result. You can try the test here:

So, I am naturally a CI person. Which means, I am Conscientious (detailed, careful, task oriented) and Influential (talk a lot, sociable etc)....but notice that I have a very high Steadiness too (quiet, supportive, etc)

Now this is my adaptive style. I naturally want others to see that I am higher in S. But when under stress I usually revert back to my Natural style, which is High I and C

As you can see from my graph. I am inclining more to an Introvert and People side.

Now many do not believe I am an introvert. Haha. But let's see the tests of other personality test.
I particularly like this test inspired by Carl Jung, David Keirsey, and Briggs-Myers

This is my Result: INFJ

P/S: You can click on the images to enlarge them

There are also other things that you can read on from the link. For example how INFJ is like in relationship, career, as parents, strengths, weaknesses and so forth. So it is awesome reading them!

Then, there is another test that my boss asked me to take. Its by iPersonic
Mainly for career I guess. You can try it here:

And my results is: Sensitive Doer

Its kinda cool knowing (well, not entirely accurate but probably 80%-90%?) who you are, what your inclination is and so forth. Not that you do not know beforehand, but FINALLY, it can be articulated. And these personality tests make me feel alas, someone understands me. Hahaha!! Like I said, I love psychology. Keeps me excited! *wiggles*

Try it! You will be shock to discover who you are and what you are inclined to do. Probably help you in your future parenthood planning, things to improve, career and even who to marry (for singles)!

All the best! Toodles for now!