Today's blog is gonna be interesting, because I am going to write about RELATIONSHIP. Not just any relationship, but BGR. Yes...Again, I need to pen down whatever I am learning right now this season. I really hope it blessed someone today.
A lot of times, this is the one question that EVERYONE around me has been asking over and over and over and over again. To be specific, this is the most FREQUENTLY asked question I have ever had. Some would ask...."So, Hazel, any target in mind? Time to get attached!"
Well, here is my answer for all those who are concerned...LOL xP.... NO RUSH. I am only 22 this year!! I still have the whole world to explore. And I am in the best years of my life now. Making mistakes, yet learning the most and just simply appreciating everything I have around me. Not that I am not tame down or ready for a relationship, I just know and I am secure that I can take all the time in the world to look, see and explore.

"What if you don't get attached and you are old and nobody wants you anymore? Cos you are no longer attractive?" Somebody ask. Then so be it. If I need to compromise my principles, standards and values just to stay away from being single (or rather being old and lonely) I rather take the stand of celibacy....A godly man once said, the first most important day of your life, is when you receive Christ....the second most important day of your life, is the day you got married. I have had so much fun with God since the day I accepted Him....Now, I want to make sure my marriage life will not make me have second thoughts about making the wrong decisions too.
"Don't need to be afraid that you would lose out on the good guys. If he is yours, he will stay faithful till you are ready..." This is an advice from my beautiful anointed leader. I think she is right. That one word, change my outlook on everything.

I needn't try to SEARCH or LOOK if this particular guy would have that CERTAIN QUALITY inside. Or try to dig it out of him. You know...try to influence him to be a better man or things like that just so he can be in the consideration? NO NEED. I just need to do one thing. I take time to DISCOVER. And the journey of discovery can be really an eye-opener. And in the journey if he becomes a better man, that would be really an awesome insight for the girl too!

I have different people walking in and out of my life. Many times this is very true to me. With time, I read the true character, and also with time, I am able to gauge the patience and perseverance from within. Well, if you are not courageous enough to fight for the partner you want....Don't try convincing her that she is really important to you. It wouldn't work. haha.
Nonetheless, there is a different insight throughout this season. Not that I have a lot of experiences in relationship, but honestly...NOTHING happens by chance. Different types of relationships taught me many different lessons. As 2009 is coming to an end, and I began evaluating what I have truly learnt....I cannot believe I have broke through so much. And a lot of things are truly, just divine.
I have broken through from having a standard of a husband like "Pastor Kong type" (LOL....okok you can stop laughing now) to just having a partner with the character of God, who loves God. With that, I am sure, he will be able to lead me, and from there we can grow together.
I was just talking to a very wise person. Somebody I really look up to a lot :) He is really an inspiration. He just told me one thing that I have find hard to describe all these while. The one missing element. The one thing that I find missing in the pursuits I experienced from time to time. Just one thing....

No formula. Nothing. Just simply DIVINE CONNECTION.
It is not about the guys pursuing me are bad. Nor about them not being spiritual enough. In fact, who am I to judge whether a person is spiritual or not? I am not God. It is not about the LEVELS of spirituality. It is also not about raging emotions or passions, it is beyond that. It is something that surpasses feelings and likings. It is just simply divine connection!
When you meet a partner that you have divine connection with, you know the moment he or she steps into your life, your destiny and everything else will be set into place. He needn't be a great pastor or evangelist. He just need to be that one man or one woman that brings you into the "destiny defining moment." You just CLICK!

Wow....and yes....only one thing missing through it all. The divine connection. I guess when I find that one person who will allow me to feel a strong divine connection, I would just know that he is the one I want to be with....no matter what status, what position, or what others talk about him (Of course I need to know if he loves God genuinely first).
Above all...emotions should not overpower the will of God.I want to have a relationship in the will of God. And I am willing to wait. Only time will tell. As you discover more about a person, the connections can either grow stronger, or grow weaker. No rush as I said. I want to have an amazing journey with this next partner I have. Really just loving God, and strengthening one another, bringing one another to the destiny.

So here it is....Why am I still single? I am looking for a man who shares the divine connection with me. :) And that is soooooo important to me. Nonetheless, I am so assured, I will find him. Only matter of time.
I think knowing this....I am once again....a step closer to my destiny....wohoooo!! SO EXCITED!! XD
Anyway please don't get me wrong. I don't mean to say I am great or holy. I need my partner to feel the divine connections with me too, in order to be with me. And....We just need to have that "click". XD Not planning to step into celibacy either (unless if I am required to)
Thank You, Daddy...for always surrounding me with great people, giving me new insights, making this journey so fruitful, interesting, mind boggling....and most importantly, full of mystery....:D