Saturday, April 19, 2014

Breakfast with Esther

Slept so late last night...thought I would probably zoned out while having breakfast with Esther.

Esther is a girl whom Phoebe introduced to me. One of her best friends. When I picked her from her office...that one ride to Jesus Culture concert...we felt immediately clicked in the spirit. This is what I described as divine connection.

So we scheduled for a breakfast after my semester (by now I should be done with assignments but I haven' was in quite a lot of worries).

But really, divine connection is always beautiful. I never regretted this breakfast. In fact, God spoke to me during breakfast. It was so awesome...we ended our breakfast time with a very high note...

sharing a lot of things, about lives, how we go through relationships, how God brought the man of God into her life etc....
Her life story was rather similar to mine....

So yesterday I was going through the whole ordeal of struggles of ups and the hype of miracles, at the same time seems like a lot of ugly things were about to be let out from the can of worms...

Then Esther shared....she was in the exact same season.
And she said this....that God is dealing with her character and her fundamentals. Even put a man of God (her current boyfriend) to help her build this fundamentals. Because of one reason only....

He wants us to be unshaken. By the wind and the waves beneath our feet.
We are heirs, but an underage heir will still be ruled under the reign of the world. But an heir who is of age will know his position. An heir with FAITH will take on everything that is in future, the promise, and draw it to ourselves.

Galatians 4: 2-7

We are to build our fundamentals strong. And it hit me when she said that. A lot of time we are engross with the big call and so forth...and we want to go there....but then God is pushing me to the corner with these with these your bible, pray, seek me, grow grow grow.....your fundamentals and characters are what will sustain you in the long the call I have for you...

1 Peter 1:3-7

So what is God doing in my life now? In the midst of all these victories and freedoms, and in the midst of these struggles....I began to realize, I need so much more of God...I need that ROOT...I need to face and see all my weaknesses and began to build my fundamentals.

Thank you, Esther. Your sharing is such a blessing to me.

Thank You, Daddy...for divine connections. I am building on it. It is gonna be tough....but I want to build my faith to a point that it is unshakable.
 All for You, Daddy....All or nothing....ALL for You....