Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Journey of a Malaysian....

This recent season, I have been very "political" as my nation is going through a big transition....the 13th General Election. I figure, I want to document this moment so that I could remember the reason why I did what I did this season....something to look back when I grow older in time.... 

My current boss, David Oh was a big influencer in getting me pumped up for my nation. It is true. Once you realize the truth, it is very hard for you to ignore it. And you can't help but want to do something to make a difference. I want to thank him from the bottom of my heart for that. I used to be really timid...but I am blessed to have bold people around me who showed me even I....the timid Hazel Saw can take a step to be bolder when someone would "borrow" me courage and inspire me to take that step.

With that, I hope God would give be a bolder and more courageous heart with time so I could borrow others some of it and be the inspiration God can readily use too. I want to answer the call of a Joshua generation...and I know it has to begin with steps of faith from within. Making a difference not only in religious context, but in the society I am placed in. I know I am no politician, and there are many others who are doing what I am doing.

"What difference would it make?" people often asked...."nobody would notice your contribution..."
Yes, they are right....nobody would notice. But they are wrong when they said it wouldn't make a difference. See, the issue was never about being noticed, but bringing about awareness, making a stand....not as AN INDIVIDUAL....but as a collective people....for what? For a better nation! This is for our children! This is for our future. I don't need to fight battles only to be recognized. I need to fight battles that I know would bring about a promising future. That's what we are all fighting for. For this HOPE of a better tomorrow.

"Why do you need to be the one? There are so many fighting already. Aren't you selfish for not thinking about how worried sick your family would be?"
I know many would think that I am being really selfish for not thinking about my worrying parents. In fact, I feel bad that they are worried. That is the reason why every single time, when I make a stand for my nation, I  don't do it recklessly. I make sure I take all precaution, to keep myself safe. Yes, there are risk, but I do not blindly plunge into one. I do my best to keep myself safe for them....for the fact that I felt even more selfish, if I know what's going on today and do nothing about it for my future generation. What about my children? Wouldn't I want to fight this battle now, so that in future, they do not need to be the one fighting this, and I am the one sitting at home worrying about their safety? And I believe deep down, my family knows what I am doing is right, and they will one day understand when they come to realize the importance of standing against corruption, standing for justice and righteousness.

My journey for this election, comes from the very first time when I joined the Bersih 3.0 rally. It was during Bersih 2.0 that I was exposed to how ugly things were from within my government. The dirt, the corruption, to an extent, the media was lying, and people who were brutally beaten up for making a stand for Clean & Fair election. 

What does that reaction say? Simple. Nothing we have here right now, is clean and fair.
 Here is my eyewitness account on Bersih 3.0 rally, written on April 30, 2012

I remembered 428 clearly. When we were all walking toward Dataran Merdeka wearing yellow, every motorcyclist, pedestrians who walked by, cheered us on, gave us a thumb's up. We cheered back. That is 1Malaysia...When the teared gas / water canon were shot at non-provoking crowd, salt and water were passed down...that is 1Malaysia. When someone was hurting, everyone rushed over to see if there's anything we can do, that is 1Malaysia. When all races come together chanting BERSIH, fighting for ONE cause, singing Negaraku..that is 1Malaysia. When mothers, those in crutches and wheelchairs marched forward hand in hand, that is 1Malaysia...I witnessed all that...I was there...And for the very first time in my life, I truly felt proud to be a Malaysian. This is something I will never, and will never want to forget about my nation..

Hence, we as a people of this nation, has to make a stand. Suara rakyat, suara keramat. Our voices need to be heard. We refuse to be terrorized. And we mean it.

Feeling really patriotic for my nation, I began posting up many different things on Facebook with regards to our current political situation. Many are still unaware of it. And many do not know the cause we are fighting for. 

I remembered the best birthday present I ever received was when our dearest PM, DS Najib finally announced the parliament was dissolved on 3rd April 2013. Boy, I was rejoicing!! And hence, the series of posts on how important it is for each of us to know what will be happening during election period, and all the ongoings in the polling station to avoid fraud. In fact, the message is clear. The people have to rise against corruption and fraud during this coming election.

Someone actually encouraged me to compiled the posts that I have posted on Facebook. I think that's a cool idea to document the journey that I would want to remember for life.

On April 7, as I just had a heated up discussion with one of the many older generation who feared the repetition of May 13 incident, I posted up a post on FB.  May 13 incident is referring to the clashes among two major races in Malaysia (Chinese and Malays) that happened in 1969.

To those who fear that MAY 13, 1969 incident would repeat in this election.....let me assure you that we are living in different times today. Do not let fear "terrorize" you that you will compromise to choose a party you do not want. Having said that, I am not telling you to vote any specific parties, but be BOLD in your decision. 

Those who intentionally want to put fear in you will continue to "terrorize" you in every possible manner. But do you want to live under such fear and compromise a better change / tomorrow for your children, your future generation? I am not claiming that our nation would be better, but it is better than not TRYING / RISKING at all. If it is not, vote again next election. 

REMEMBER, you have the power within your hands. What lies in our power to do, lies in our power NOT to do. You are not small and insignificant. All of us added up together, we can build a better nation for our future generation. This nation is made up of its PEOPLE, and this is our responsibility. 

Today, with social media advancement, with the cyberworld, have faith that things would be better.....because THE WORLD's eyes are watching. If anything should happen, the world will become our judge, and I am sure advocates all over the world will stand up for us.

Don't fear! Just decide. Vote boldly!! Ini Suara Mu, Malaysia! 

I love Malaysia. And, I am standing for a better Malaysia. 

 I hope the message was clear. That, what we fear should not be bloodshed, or change....but being shortchanged of a better nation for our future generation. We are responsible for what will happen tomorrow to our children through the decisions we make, today.

Social media has been a great source of campaign especially for the opposition party during this GE13. There were many posts that I posted up with regards to the dissatisfaction toward the ruling regime's misuse and abuse of power even during campaigning period (who did many things that only an elected government is suppose to do, but because parliament has been dissolved, they are of no longer the ruling government, and hence should not be abusing their power).

As May 5th the election day is approaching, the patriotism spirit begin to arise within me. That's when I began to join some political campaigns to hear of how these two competing parties are intending to build the nation upon being elected as ruling government

Even urged my friends to go back and vote for the upcoming election. Wrote an FB post in malay on May 3rd, 2013.

Dulu-dulu masa di sekolah, saya amat meminati subjek Sejarah. Seringkali subjek ini akan melahirkan rasa patriotik di dalam diri saya. Ya, benar. Saya memang bangga dengan negara ini....negara yang saya cintai, Malaysia....bangga dengan pengorbanan bapa-bapa kemerdekaan, dan moyang-moyang kita....kerana Malaysia mencapai kemerdekaan tanpa pertarungan di medan peperangan. 

Tetapi, satu perkara yang selalu menjadi topik pendebatan dalam diriku, kenapa dasar ekonomi baru, dan dasar-dasar lain di Malaysia ingin memisahkan kaum-kaum antara satu sama lain? Kenapa kita tidak boleh menikmati hak-hak yang sama? Bukankah kita harus bersatu padu sebagai rakyat Malaysia?

Kata cikgu, dasar ekonomi baru, sememangnya akan menyatukan rakyat...dengan memisahkan mereka. Apakah logiknya? Tanya lebih mendalam, dikatakan isu sensitif. Tanya ibu ayah, mereka turut menjawab, ini isu sensitif. Tidak boleh dipersoalkan. Oleh itu, saya belajar untuk berdiam diri. Apabila saya tidak dapat jawapan, ataupun mendapat jawapan yang saya rasa tidak munasabah, saya berdiam diri....saya fikir "mungkin saya akan faham apabila saya lebih besar nanti"

Sekarang saya sudah berumur 26 tahun. Saya masih tidak faham apakah logiknya kita dipisahkan mengikut kaum. Tetapi saya faham, sistem pendidikan kita memang sebegitu. Kita tidak boleh menyoal. Oleh itu, ramai yang ditindas rasa tidak dibela...sebab kita tidak boleh menyoal walaupun kita tidak puas dengan sistem negara kita. 

Sebagaimana kaum lain sayangkan Malaysia, saya juga sayang Malaysia. Asal-usul moyang saya sememangnya dari negara China. Tapi, saya dilahirkan di negara Malaysia. Oleh itu, saya mahu berbakti kepada negara saya sendiri di Malaysia. Kata ibu bapaku, mereka mampu hantar saya ke luar negara untuk belajar. Saya boleh berhijrah ke situ untuk kehidupan yang lebih baik. Tapi, saya tolak niat baik mereka. Bukan kerana saya tidak mahu kehidupan yang lebih baik....tetapi kerana saya sayangkan negara saya

Negaraku, tanah tumpahnya darahku....

Kawan-kawanku....kita bukannya bangsa Melayu, Cina, India, Kadazan, Dusun, Sumazau dan sebagainya. Kita berbangsa SATU sahaja. Kita berbangsa Malaysia. Saya anak Malaysia....dan saya pegang teguh kepada rukun tetangga....Kesetiaan kepada raja dan negara. Oleh kerana saya sayangkan negara ini, saya tidak sanggup melihat Malaysia dieksploitasi berkali-kali, rakyatnya ditindas.

Mana keadilan? Adakah ini erti kemakmuran? Negara ini milik menteri-menteri sahaja? Negara ini juga kita punya. Tiba masanya kita berjuang untuk apa yang benar, apa yang adil, apa yang bersih. Saya tidak akan membenarkan orang-orang yang tidak berperikemanusiaan bermaharajalela dan bertakhta kuasa di negara ini.

Pilihanraya umum ke-13, kita akan mencatat sejarah. Bukan sekadar sejarah untuk kemenangan parti mana-mana, tetapi sejarah kerana anak-anak Malaysia bersatu tanpa mengira kaum, berjuang demi kebenaran dan keadilan, berjuang demi masa depan anak-anak kita.....berjuang kerana kita cintai negara kita....

Bila tua nanti, saya mahu cucu-cicit saya faham dan tahu, inilah negara mereka. Mereka ada hak, dan mereka berhak bersuara dan berjuang demi masa depan mereka. Sekurang-kurangnya, nenek mereka (saya) telah cuba sedaya upaya untuk mempertahankan hak kebebasan demi masa depan mereka....

Ini Kalilah! Jom balik Undi!! 
Anak-anak muda, inilah yang kamu boleh lakukan demi generasi akan datang. PerUBAHAN di TanganMu!

So, the day came, when we all needed to perform our duties as a citizen of Malaysia, to determine the destiny of our nation. To VOTE. I couldn't sleep the whole night. Was too excited. The next day, I arrive as early as 7.30am at my polling station. Voting only starts at 8am. Nobody was there yet, but a few of us exciting first time voters were queueing up expectantly.

So yes, we voted!

Unfortunately the indelible ink, was delible. Such disappointment. Hrmm..

disclaimer: the finger below does not belong to me, but a friend of mine. 

So the whole polling day was like a day on a mission for me. I have signed up as Pemantau, and hence was driving from school to school to see if there are any hanky-panky going on in the voting stations. Well, Taiping is small, hence nothing much was discovered. I have heard so much actions happening in the other polling stations in Selangor (eg. Ferrying buses of foreigners in to vote at polling stations, giving out of bribery, cash and money...)....action....action...drama...drama...

Then it was the time we were all waiting for. The announcement of the vote counting. Sharp 5pm, most polling stations were closed, and votes were counted in the polling stations with the assistance of PACABA. I was waiting anxiously in front of the TV. But was very much agitated by the bias reporting that was going on in the mainstream media. As I sat in front of the television, I realized, the poll results for areas where the current ruling regime (who has been in power for the past 55 years) were quickly announced, but the rest of the results were being delayed. Still, I waited patiently. There were some unofficial results which were announced by some of my friends who were PACABA. Seems like the opposition party is striking big wins.

Nonetheless, at about 10.30pm, when I realized many other polling stations were still delaying the announcement of their results, I began to sense something fishy going on. Quickly I went online and log in to the facebook, only to realize much commotion has been going on. Blackouts, and extra ballot boxes turning up, you name it! I was really furious, and angry.....and that was the moment I realized, that's it. That is all I can do as a citizen. When the ballot boxes and everything else is being sent in, in the wrong hands....we can all do nothing...but to pray. Our responsibilities ended the moment the ballot boxes were being sent in to the Election Commission. This is precisely why...clean and fair election is so important.

My heart was really heavy that night. Before the official results were completely announced, I knew the chances for us to experience change in this nation was very slim...
May 5th, my post on FB

Today...I am truthfully grieved, and I mourn for what has become of this nation's leaders..I can only pray..

May 6th, 2013 mark the deepest, darkest, saddest day across our nation. I saw on Facebook, may profile picture became black....the citizens of Malaysia were mourning...mourning out of realization that democracy is dead in our country. There is no true democracy, there is no true clean and fair election. This is also the beginning of many who realized what we were all fighting for in Bersih 1, 2 and 3....I believe if, there is ever Bersih 4.0 it is going to be really huge in scale. And I mean....really huge..

May 6th, as I was riding on the express train back to KL, thinking through and feeling sad for all that has happened, I decided, it is about time for Malaysians to be united as ONE. I posted:

Rakan-rakan seperjuanganku di Malaysia, terima kasih atas sumbanganmu terhadap negara kita tercinta.

Hari ini kita tidak mengalami kekalahan. Kita telah menang kerana perpaduan rakyat mengemparkan seluruh negara.
Hari ini usaha kita tidak sia-sia. Anak-anak muda menjadi lebih prihatin dan lebih sanggup untuk berjuang demi keadilan dan kebenaran.
Hari ini, demokrasi tidak mati. Api demokrasi membara lebih lagi dalam hati generasi muda.

Generasi sebelum kita mungkin rasa kita tidak menghargai apa yang kita nikmati di negara kita sekarang. Bukan kita tidak mengenang budi, tetapi kita lebih menghargai kebebasan, keadilan dan kebenaran. Ini membuktikan rakyat negara kita telah menuju ke arah tamadun yang lebih maju.

Hari ini saya amat bangga dengan rakan-rakan seperjuangan saya di Malaysia. Terima kasih kerana memberikan saya harapan untuk Malaysia yang lebih baik. Walaupun kerajaan masih yang sama, apabila setiap rakyat dekat dan jauh pulang untuk mengundi, rasa sayang rakyat kepada masa depan negara menjadi begitu jelas. Kita tidak lagi dipisahkan oleh pagar-pagar perkauman. Apabila kita semua menuju ke pusat pengundian masing-masing untuk harapan dan impian yang sama, kita telah menjadi satu bangsa kerana kita semua mencintai negara yang sama.

Apabila taktik-taktik kotor digunakan untuk mencapai kemenangan, kita sama-sama berasa marah, sedih dan dianiayai. Kita berkabung kerana hati kita diguris oleh perbuatan maksiat mereka yang berkuasa. Apa ertinya? Kita sudah menjadi sebuah keluarga.

Kawan-kawanku, Malaysia adalah sebuah negara yang makmur, bahagia dan bertuah bukan kerana pencapaian atau pemimpinnya. Malaysia menjadi sebuah negara yang bahagia keranaMu, rakyatnya.

Terima kasih kerana mencipta detik sejarah yang begitu penting dan berharga dalam hidupku. Aku puas hati kerana saya tidak berjuang seorang diri. Aku puas kerana seluruh Malaysia berjuang bersama-sama. PRU13 akan menjadi satu kenangan yang tidak akan saya lupakan buat selama-lamanya...

Jangan berputus asa! Di mana kita jatuh, kita berdiri lagi. Ayuh, kita terus berjuang... Demi keadilan, demi kebenaran, demi masa depan anak-anak kita.

The next day, headlines all over Malaysia's mainstream newspaper (Utusan, The Star etc)....that the elections results (increased votes for opposition party) stemmed from ungrateful Chinese. The event was labelled as "Tsunami Cina".....and on another newspaper headlines "Apa Cina mau lagi"......I was in complete shock. Since young, I was taught that sentimen perkauman...racism issues, are sensitive issues....should not be brought up at all. Whoever does it will be jailed for such act! Yet, on our national newspaper, mainstream media, our government would approve of such posting. Elected for 1 day, and there they are trying to instill fear, blame on others. This flares up anger, not only within the Chinese, but across the nation, across FaceBook, everyone was criticizing the government of such irresponsible act.

And so yet again, on May 9th, 2013....we took our cause to Kelana Jaya Stadium. To stand against a corrupted government, to stand against corrupted electoral roll, to make a stand for clean and fair elections, and to battle racism remarks....thousands of Malaysians, gathered that day....Many "fearful" messages had been circulated with regards to this gathering...but many still turned up. This proves one thing, the people are no longer fearful of those in power, neither are they willing to be deemed as powerless. We are the people of the nation. Our the voice of the nation, and we demand the ruling regime's attention. 

"Don't deny the people of their rights" That very day....I was there...and I witnessed it all. 100,000 Malaysians, in one small stadium. Wanting one thing and one thing only.....a better Malaysia.

So as a proud Malaysian that day, on May 9th midnight, after the eventful night, here is my final post

Today yet again a historical day in my life when Malaysia becomes truly an image I have always imagined it would be. Full of life, full of hope, full of amazing people...

On the 8th of May 2013, I stepped in the Kelana Jaya stadium tonight, awaiting to be blown away by speeches of great politicians. Great analysis. The place flooded with thousands and thousands of people. Different races, different backgrounds, different age groups, different culture, but coming altogether for one purpose. We want justice, we want a better Malaysia. With hopes in our heart, despite all the fearful messages that have been circulated about the event, thousands and thousands gathered stating their stand against a corrupted government.

We want change, because we know we can be better. We are meant for better. Malaysia is a people. A people destined for greatness.

Today yet again I am proud to be called a Malaysian, not because of our nation's achievements, but because of its people.

I saw my potential nation leaders coming into the stadium in motorbike, being stuck in the very same traffic jam that we are all in. Yet without complain. What does that say? My leaders are willing to be a part of our daily lives, and would walk with the common people not losing their common touch.

I saw a Malay man who was willing to help me push through a jam packed crowd, just so that I could get back to my friends after using the washroom. "Ikut dekat-dekat ya, moi!" he said. This same Malay man makes sure I stick close to him even though he did not know who I was....this is clear to me, there was no racial barrier, and we were all one. What does that say? Malaysians care, even for someone of another ethnicity.

I saw people of different races cheering and laughing with one another even though they may not have known one another beforehand. What does that say? Malaysians are not divided by their races.

I saw people giving way, helping a lady when she almost pass out in the midst of a stuffy crowd. Nobody complained, nobody was ignorant. Everyone helped, everyone gave way....What does that say? Malaysians are not self-centred.

I saw a few older men, Malay, Chinese Indian....each and everyone stayed back 4-5 hours trying to mobilize the traffic, helping everyone to get out from the jam as much as they could voluntarily...What does that say? Malaysians are willing to go the extra mile for one another.

I saw an entire long row of jams just outside Kelana Jaya stadium after the event. Everyone's vehicle was obstructed, nobody could move. Yet nobody honked even once. Drivers and passengers came down from their cars and started getting to know one another while awaiting traffic to clear. What does that say? Malaysians are civilized, friendly and tolerant.

I saw the entire stadium of people who were pushing their way through the Stadium gate to exit the place, each and everyone stopped and stood still at their place when the national anthem was played. What does that say? Malaysians, even with all the discontentment and with the current state of the nation really, truly deep our nation...

And this is precisely why I am so proud to be a Malaysian, to be identified as one.

Tonight, I did not just hear politicians speak, I saw people....not just any ordinary people, but amazing people who loves, cares, sacrifices, and stands for one another....I saw true MALAYSIANS...

Because of that, I know this fight...this stand I am making, every single step of hope toward a better all WORTH IT, and I know, I will never regret it. 

Malaysia....I believe that you will be a thriving nation. I love you Malaysia. I know, the best is yet to come....