It is not easy we both agree....
To live in a non christian setting where there is little grace and mercy,
Trying to live an example in a place where there is little support,
Reason why?
All our lives living in that same home,
We have gotten used to the environment,
We have gotten used to the way we talk to our siblings, our parents....and it is very difficult to change itGotten used to the fact that we are brought up in a certain way,
And when we stepped home, somehow the OLD TIME laziness creeped in,
But those things we never experience when we are far from home! Somehow when you get into the comforts of home, everything else seems to be harder. And it hits you even harder when your family begin to connect your weaknesses and your bad habits with your beliefs!
But both me and my dear friend agreed. That these are all merely excuses. Truly, as in psychology we study, it is very easy to be susceptible to your old habits when you are in a familiar environment (for example, drug addicts are much more inclined to their drug habits when they take it in a familiar place).....But home is where we always have to go back. And we definitely need to shine in there. So we have to all make a decision!
What do we do? We fight! The flesh and the weak will. And we pray even more. And we depend on God even more. And everyday waking up, we have to decide to make a difference and kick off old habits. At times, we fall, at times we may not do well....but tomorrow, we try again. And we keep trying until we succeed.
The danger does not come when you are faced with temptation, nor when you fall...the danger comes when you gave up trying...and just succumb to whatever comes, and stop caring about what is most important
So don't give up my friend. Whatever battles you are fighting. It is worth it :))
Ya Chaaaa!