seriously to me the reason was valid...but a bit weird...out of a sudden wanted to bless me...and wanted me to dress nice nice some more...seemingly like we were all going to a high class restaurant. at that point of time i was a little worried. so i asked them if their building funds are ok and it is ok if they want to bless me i can go to places that are cheaper and etc...
HOWEVER, my beloved intern...cell leader already now...Charis Tan proclaimed: don't worry! we surely know how to budget one! it is only a few of us core members want to bless your heart. just dress your best and we will bring you for a day of fun, ok?!
So the day came...anticipating...wondering where they were bringing me...had an amount of suspect yet unsure about it...i began to dress up a yellow dress! Ann and Christy...the two make up queens in the cell group began dolling me up...putting make ups for me.
So looking at my members dressing so prettily and the guys dressing so stylishly...i asked them..."are we going clubbing?"....charis and ann burst into laughter....
Ann: Wah Hazel! we where dare bring you go clubbing? later we get chopped.
Charis: haha....clubbing at 4pm? i step on you, you step on me?
Hazel: =_="""....okk i stop guessing! then Christy? You not joining us? how come you are not dressed?
Christy: lor....i have already have appointment with friends to watch movie.
Hazel: Friends ya? Who are they jek?
Christy: (Change topic)....aiya why the curtains keep flying...very bright and hot in here!
Hazel: (suspicious...and think in the heart: going out with another guy? paktor ah? never tell me? hmmmm....)
Anyway, we continued our is the beginning of the drama they stage up for me...wuah.....salute them...after planning for two weeks (taking the chances while i am busy and not around to plan and plan and plan) is the story
you guys ready?
presenting the casts:
On the way to the "wherever" place in the car....i find the drive quite long....and suddenly we passed Batu Caves!....then i asked:
Hazel: Eh, where are you guys bringing me? bringing me back to Taiping ah?
Charis: wait and see la
Ann: We are bringing you to KL
Hazel: Don't bluff me. KL don't pass by Batu Caves wan.
Ann: Using another road ma. the road that pass by Cheras. so we can have more time spent with you!
Charis: Ya Ya!
Jireh: LOL..i think it is good that you cannot recognize road...we are bringing you to sell!! muahahhahaa
Hazel: =_='''' eh so where are we going? Are we going genting?
Jireh: wait and see la
then as we drive and drive...then we went up a hill!
Hazel: eh! we are going up genting! i recognize this road!
Ben: nola this is not the way to genting
Hazel: not meh?
Charis: (kept quiet) Jireh why you all going to Genting oh?
Ann: Yalor....(look shock)
Hazel: huh? So this is genting?
Charis: I thought we already plan to go Cameron? We didn't bring sweater leh...thats why we wear like taht cos cameron not that cold. aiyooo
Hazel: you all miscom issit?
Ann: yalar...i thought we going to cameron?ish...
Hazel: LoL...Jireh...are you feeling bad now?
Jireh: huh? why should i?...hahaha..its ok la same wan. there also got restaurant
Charis: But i book a nice restaurant there d! nevermind lah...
Hazel: then how charis?
Charis: I sms to cancel la...
Hazel: (think in the heart: wuah...quite canggih this restaurant can receive sms wan)
Jireh: Hazel....i think you should learn your geography all over again la
Hazel: (don't understand but didn't bother)
as we were talking chatting and driving. Ann suddenly kept quiet.
Ben: Ann, why suddenly so quiet?
Charis: Yalor Ann! are you ok?
Ann turned around with tears on her face...
Hazel: Are you ok!
Ann: (shook her head)
Hazel: Eh tell me leh...
Ann: (kept quiet)
Hazel: (hand Ann the handphone) ....type for me
Ann: (hesitate and return the phone)....i tell you now
Hazel: (shocked with her opennness to tell in the car)...ok tell me
Ann: Actually last thursday, you remember i can't come to cell group and i told you i was working? i lied to you....
Hazel: (heartbreak)
Ann: There's actually this guy...whom i kinda like....we almost started. i actually went out with him....i knew it was at first i rejected him...but in the end i cannot resist. i tried...but he was too good...he was there all the time for we sort of held hands and all...but not yet officially start.
Hazel: (heart sank even more)
Ann: Just now he text me....he said that his ex-girlfriend wanted to come back to him and they are already friends already warned me about him...but i didn't he asked me to be his second girlfriend...underground
Hazel: Then what did you answer? what are you going to do?
Ann: I don't know...I need time to think
Hazel: (heart felt like being hammered!..sank into deep silence into the car seat)
so i text Ann
Hazel: too many people. i talk to you later
Ann: ok...sorry hazel
Hazel: talk to you later
Ann: OK
Charis: Actually Hazel. i feel Ann is not the only one with pastoral issue. Linet also. she told me for the next whole month she is not coming to cell group because she is going to prioritize and concentrate on her studies and all...she doesn't want cell group to be a distraction to her
Hazel: (heart shattered)....i will text her
Charis: Christy also...i think she is seeing someone...secretly
Hazel: (thinks in her heart: how come they want to bring me to Genting and yet give me news that really cause me to be unable to enjoy...)
And i text Linet rebuking her for her wrong priorities. And Linet insisted that she would not be coming. and refused to reply me after that. wuah...immediately i texted shirley boon...too heart broken already.
Nonetheless, in the car that was a deep intensed silence. I was praying to God...i somehow wasn't that convinced that Ann was in love because there was no sign of backsliding and so forth...But i could not take the risk seeing that she did cry. So i was praying in the car...God, whatever it members intended me to have a good i decide i must be happy when i reached up there
As soon as I reached Genting, I changed the mood and became cheerful. According to my members they were shocked that I was not affected. Charis said that since we were in the wrong place...they will go hunt for restaurants first while i talk to Ann...
So as I was talking to Ann...counseling her...I noticed she kept I wasn't sure if she was being truthful. I poured out my vision and my disappointment....and before the last closing of the counseling, I asked Ann: Why are you smiling?....Ann turned to me, and dropped a few more was so confused...anyway, i did not want to take the i just counseled my heart out....and she ended the counseling with the fact that she learnt her lesson and she wanted to be more accountable and come that was why she opened up to me...
only after that, we realized that she was suppose to act so blur that she didnt want to get out of the relationship to make me feel so so so so sad that all i wanted to do was get home and not enjoy the evening anymore...however...according to Ann...she couldn't do it because she felt her heart sinking seeing my disappointment....(hahahaha :P) so it proves how much she loves me then! :D
so..since the counseling was a success...we moved on together...and go to a nice restaurant to eat....tadaaa: don't know what restaurant is this called. some shaghai thing..

hee...i think Ann's camera made me look good :P...
So Ann had been the photographer throughout the night. We had meaningful sharing about spirituality, vision of the church and was really inspiring, fun and fruitful. Duing the sharing, Ann Lang was busy taking our candid shots...

happy listening...Jireh: hmm...i want to be THAT MAN *thinking hard*
Charis: I m so inspired. wush!
another candid shot. the makeup is so deceiving!
LOL..Ann Lang's hasil kerja...
And he ponders...
After sessions of sharing...we decided to take a stroll around Genting. And take some pictures...(took picture with mimer also...where is that pic? hmmm) the intention was to drag the time...and torturing asking me to walk the cold...without sweater and with my four inches heels...boy.....i was desperate to sit down! but tried to be grateful that they were giving their best to spend time with me...little did i know, it was all staged!

Ann's favorite shop. Asked us to take picture with it so much...hmm

LOL i seriously find this cute
some "ghosts" in the ghost house who asked us to come up...and we in turn ask them to jump down :P oh well..cheeky us
the restaurant that got a little upset when we went up to take picture...didn't know it was a restaurant wert...

and we walk...and we walk
Hazel: Eh, where are you guys bringing me? bringing me back to Taiping ah?
Charis: wait and see la
Ann: We are bringing you to KL
Hazel: Don't bluff me. KL don't pass by Batu Caves wan.
Ann: Using another road ma. the road that pass by Cheras. so we can have more time spent with you!
Charis: Ya Ya!
Jireh: LOL..i think it is good that you cannot recognize road...we are bringing you to sell!! muahahhahaa
Hazel: =_='''' eh so where are we going? Are we going genting?
Jireh: wait and see la
then as we drive and drive...then we went up a hill!
Hazel: eh! we are going up genting! i recognize this road!
Ben: nola this is not the way to genting
Hazel: not meh?
Charis: (kept quiet) Jireh why you all going to Genting oh?
Ann: Yalor....(look shock)
Hazel: huh? So this is genting?
Charis: I thought we already plan to go Cameron? We didn't bring sweater leh...thats why we wear like taht cos cameron not that cold. aiyooo
Hazel: you all miscom issit?
Ann: yalar...i thought we going to cameron?ish...
Hazel: LoL...Jireh...are you feeling bad now?
Jireh: huh? why should i?...hahaha..its ok la same wan. there also got restaurant
Charis: But i book a nice restaurant there d! nevermind lah...
Hazel: then how charis?
Charis: I sms to cancel la...
Hazel: (think in the heart: wuah...quite canggih this restaurant can receive sms wan)
Jireh: Hazel....i think you should learn your geography all over again la
Hazel: (don't understand but didn't bother)
as we were talking chatting and driving. Ann suddenly kept quiet.
Ben: Ann, why suddenly so quiet?
Charis: Yalor Ann! are you ok?
Ann turned around with tears on her face...
Hazel: Are you ok!
Ann: (shook her head)
Hazel: Eh tell me leh...
Ann: (kept quiet)
Hazel: (hand Ann the handphone) ....type for me
Ann: (hesitate and return the phone)....i tell you now
Hazel: (shocked with her opennness to tell in the car)...ok tell me
Ann: Actually last thursday, you remember i can't come to cell group and i told you i was working? i lied to you....
Hazel: (heartbreak)
Ann: There's actually this guy...whom i kinda like....we almost started. i actually went out with him....i knew it was at first i rejected him...but in the end i cannot resist. i tried...but he was too good...he was there all the time for we sort of held hands and all...but not yet officially start.
Hazel: (heart sank even more)
Ann: Just now he text me....he said that his ex-girlfriend wanted to come back to him and they are already friends already warned me about him...but i didn't he asked me to be his second girlfriend...underground
Hazel: Then what did you answer? what are you going to do?
Ann: I don't know...I need time to think
Hazel: (heart felt like being hammered!..sank into deep silence into the car seat)
so i text Ann
Hazel: too many people. i talk to you later
Ann: ok...sorry hazel
Hazel: talk to you later
Ann: OK
Charis: Actually Hazel. i feel Ann is not the only one with pastoral issue. Linet also. she told me for the next whole month she is not coming to cell group because she is going to prioritize and concentrate on her studies and all...she doesn't want cell group to be a distraction to her
Hazel: (heart shattered)....i will text her
Charis: Christy also...i think she is seeing someone...secretly
Hazel: (thinks in her heart: how come they want to bring me to Genting and yet give me news that really cause me to be unable to enjoy...)
And i text Linet rebuking her for her wrong priorities. And Linet insisted that she would not be coming. and refused to reply me after that. wuah...immediately i texted shirley boon...too heart broken already.
Nonetheless, in the car that was a deep intensed silence. I was praying to God...i somehow wasn't that convinced that Ann was in love because there was no sign of backsliding and so forth...But i could not take the risk seeing that she did cry. So i was praying in the car...God, whatever it members intended me to have a good i decide i must be happy when i reached up there
As soon as I reached Genting, I changed the mood and became cheerful. According to my members they were shocked that I was not affected. Charis said that since we were in the wrong place...they will go hunt for restaurants first while i talk to Ann...
So as I was talking to Ann...counseling her...I noticed she kept I wasn't sure if she was being truthful. I poured out my vision and my disappointment....and before the last closing of the counseling, I asked Ann: Why are you smiling?....Ann turned to me, and dropped a few more was so confused...anyway, i did not want to take the i just counseled my heart out....and she ended the counseling with the fact that she learnt her lesson and she wanted to be more accountable and come that was why she opened up to me...
only after that, we realized that she was suppose to act so blur that she didnt want to get out of the relationship to make me feel so so so so sad that all i wanted to do was get home and not enjoy the evening anymore...however...according to Ann...she couldn't do it because she felt her heart sinking seeing my disappointment....(hahahaha :P) so it proves how much she loves me then! :D
so..since the counseling was a success...we moved on together...and go to a nice restaurant to eat....tadaaa: don't know what restaurant is this called. some shaghai thing..
good food! nyiaaahhahaha
So Ann had been the photographer throughout the night. We had meaningful sharing about spirituality, vision of the church and was really inspiring, fun and fruitful. Duing the sharing, Ann Lang was busy taking our candid shots...
After sessions of sharing...we decided to take a stroll around Genting. And take some pictures...(took picture with mimer also...where is that pic? hmmm) the intention was to drag the time...and torturing asking me to walk the cold...without sweater and with my four inches heels...boy.....i was desperate to sit down! but tried to be grateful that they were giving their best to spend time with me...little did i know, it was all staged!
so my very kind interns deceived me after that that we needed to find a place to sit starbucks. we were in first world hotel..and i insisted that starbucks was in first world...they insisted they wanted to go to another starbucks in highland we without a goodness....i was shivering crazy....and finally we came back to first world starbucks..and i told them...i told u guys it was in first world...hrmmpph!
And then they bought me some drink and distracted me...when suddenly...tadaa....the rest of my cell members appeared from behind singing birthday song to me...boy i was so touched...but hush...i tried to swallow my tears...hahaha.....i sorta guessed there was something going on with the excessive calls and smses they were was still moving for me to see them travelling all the way down...Christy confessed that she did had an apppointment...with jeffrey and eng kim...LOL....hrmmmphh...and charis ann ben and jireh had to confess their sins and repent for lying...tsk tsk tsk
and ofcourse they finally revealed to me that it was impossible that we were going to Cameron since it is in Pahang or near was something i was unaware wonder Jireh said i had to go geography lessons.
then there was a session of sharing...whereby they broke to me all the pastoral issues and all the walking around outdoor genting was a sabo for me...and there were heart moving sharing with one another...from each member to me and from me to them -- appreciation time they called it...(got it recorded all on video!) :) and touching moments...cry cry..before we all went back guys, i know you intended to make me cry...but i don't cry that easily...however i was still very very moved and touched!
these are the few shots....there were more, but not sent to me yet...will upload once i get it...
overall it was a blessed time i had with my members. just felt so blessed and loved with all of them coming all the way to celebrate with me...with the help of few drivers of course...thanks to jeffrey, eng kim and clement...
thank you guys for making my birthday memorable ... apart from the pastoral issue sabo! ish ish...hahaha...i still wonder how did Ann made the tears drop...fuh! shud suggest her for drama team...
just four words. really really felt loved :) will update more pictures once i get hold of it.. still haven't receive the group pictures...
so stay tune for more! :D
goodness...after typing so long forget to click publish! thank God it is still here leaving for church now! caring system seminar tonight :)) see you guys there!
And then they bought me some drink and distracted me...when suddenly...tadaa....the rest of my cell members appeared from behind singing birthday song to me...boy i was so touched...but hush...i tried to swallow my tears...hahaha.....i sorta guessed there was something going on with the excessive calls and smses they were was still moving for me to see them travelling all the way down...Christy confessed that she did had an apppointment...with jeffrey and eng kim...LOL....hrmmmphh...and charis ann ben and jireh had to confess their sins and repent for lying...tsk tsk tsk
and ofcourse they finally revealed to me that it was impossible that we were going to Cameron since it is in Pahang or near was something i was unaware wonder Jireh said i had to go geography lessons.
then there was a session of sharing...whereby they broke to me all the pastoral issues and all the walking around outdoor genting was a sabo for me...and there were heart moving sharing with one another...from each member to me and from me to them -- appreciation time they called it...(got it recorded all on video!) :) and touching moments...cry cry..before we all went back guys, i know you intended to make me cry...but i don't cry that easily...however i was still very very moved and touched!
these are the few shots....there were more, but not sent to me yet...will upload once i get it...
overall it was a blessed time i had with my members. just felt so blessed and loved with all of them coming all the way to celebrate with me...with the help of few drivers of course...thanks to jeffrey, eng kim and clement...
thank you guys for making my birthday memorable ... apart from the pastoral issue sabo! ish ish...hahaha...i still wonder how did Ann made the tears drop...fuh! shud suggest her for drama team...
just four words. really really felt loved :) will update more pictures once i get hold of it.. still haven't receive the group pictures...
so stay tune for more! :D
goodness...after typing so long forget to click publish! thank God it is still here leaving for church now! caring system seminar tonight :)) see you guys there!