We were all in church, attending the Caring System seminar....right after Caring System, I was in the Church Cry Room talking to my cell group about certain issues. Coming out from the room, I was immediately asked to meet up with worship team for a meeting. Then, tadaa....there appears a birthday cake, and the worship team sang a birthday song, and we cut our birthday cake. Abel prayed for me and Hendra before we quickly dispersed to our zone leaders’ meeting.
After that, my subzone decided to sing me a birthday song, and added in to another birthday cake! Haha…prosperous with cakes this birthday. Then, after praying and giving presents, I was already suspicious that a sabo might happen (due to some mis-sent email, muahahaha) They tried convincing me that there will not be any sabo for me anymore. However, I was suspicious. Sophia, suddenly asked me to go to Sharon’s car in order to get the choir list. I responded: it’s ok Sophia. You already sent me the name list via email, I don’t need the original copy anymore. Sophia: oh okay…
Then she went off talking to Sharon…muahahaa…I saw you guys, ok! I knew there was a plan already. After that, they told me they are going to sabo Anna, so I need to help them bring Anna over. So, I wasn’t sure of what to expect. Since I promised them I would help them with Anna’s sabo, I went together. I knew I was at risk of being sabo…but I never thought that I would be alone. I thought they would sabo us together.
So there the whole bunch appeared while we were talking outside the car. With tins and water in their hands. I clung on to Charis Lian. I thought that way, I would escape the sabo… however, before all these happened, Yunny drove to the back of the church and told me pastor was looking for me! And Sophia who was holding a tin of water in her hand, confirmed it. So here goes the conversation:
Hazel: Wait wait! I know you guys wanna sabo me. Let me go see pastor first!
Clement: Ok Ok I protect you. You go! (actually wanted to help them sabo me)
Sophia: (quietly lifting up the tin while I was walking in front)
Hazel: (quickly turn around)….ha! what is this! Tin lifted up!
Sophia: (Stares blankly with the tin up high then put it down again)
Hazel: After I see pastor first la…I promise I will come back (lol…in my heart….lari lo after this)
Sophia: go see pastor after we sabo you la
Clement: Hazel, cannot escape d la…just give in la
Hazel: Ok Ok….wait wait wait (panic, as more tins came out and surrounded by a bunch of people)….you see I got handphone or not first. Take my handphone first (take out and give it away)
Then I stood there with my hands open to receive….I said: come lah!
Itu lah masanya….Elvis from behind pour coke la, some sweet water, and plus sabun water…goodness…I was drenched….and when I walked into church, pastor was driving out. He stopped when he saw me. Wind down his window, and drenched with coke and water and everything I tiptoed toward the car and asked
Hazel: Yes, pastor you looking for me?
Pastor: What happened to you?
Esther: (laughing beside pastor looking at me)
Hazel: Kena sabo lor
Pastor: Who sabo you? All the guys who sabo Hazel must run around naked!
Hazel: Yes Yes Yes!!!
Jireh: (innocent looking)…I am innocent…
Pastor: You are the most suspicious one! (looking at Jireh)
Everyone: (laughing)
LOL….bagus ada support pastor. Nahh…sabo me some more la! :P after a short talk with pastor, pastor drove off, and I changed and went home washing all my sweet clothing, and sweeten hair. Boy tough job!
April 3rd, 2009
This is the real day. Was so busy trying to finish up the final project. Yi Zhen and Lynnette both decided to give me a secret recipe cake each with a birthday cake. Since outreach meeting cannot be held that day because of the final project submission, Yi Zhen came all the way just to pass me her cake and Lynnette’s cake. Another two cakes! Woohoo! And after that, I rushed to prepare my sermon, I was so exhausted. However, it was really a great sermon that day. After preaching. Charis Tan told me to go into the room for a short evaluation with her as she had just preached and run her cell group for the first time the Thursday before. I knew they were preparing something for me though. It was just a trick that she wanted me to go into the room. Hahaha…
Then when I come out…wuah…too my disbelief, Anna Chuah was there also. And they prepared me a very touching song. Aww…and another secret recipe cake…hahahaha…View the video here:
Boy I sounded annoyingly high pitched in this video. LOL!

they decided to give me a appreciation postal messages each as part of the present =D
April 4th, 2009
After a tiring day in college, finally I rushed to church. After service, I did a short evaluation with my choir members, suddenly Faith said: and let’s celebrate someone’s birthday today! And the birthday song proceed….another cake! woohoo! So we sang and we celebrated…wow….it was awesome. Felt really loved.
April 5th, 2009
Brother came all the way from Taiping just to celebrate my birthday (apart from seeing his girlfriend). We had a splendid time eating Italian food (my favorite!), chatting and talking about what is going on at home. And uh!! My cell members, mom, and my second brother gave me love gift! Woohoo! And, of course, my dearest first brother asked if I wanted crocs. He is buying it for my birthday. However, I could not find a nice suitable one in Midvalley. So we leave it as that. And would buy when I see a nicer one. Hee!
So 2009 Birthday Celebration had officially ended. Had a lot of cakes, a lot of presents, and a lot of love. Thank you guys for making my birthday this year meaningful and special. Indeed, I feel really grateful and appreciated. You guys are amazing! Thanks for being in my life. You are indeed a blessing.
Love always,
Hazel Saw (birthday 2009)