i watched these videos way back in 2006. the time when God nudge me real hard to move to the mission world. that was the time, after watching i began crying afraid that i cannot do what God wants me to do. immediately i called my leader. hahaa...but those were the silly days...

something to share and to inspire:
Jim Elliot's story
Rachel Joy's story
because of her death....during her funeral, thousands of people responded to take up her call to continue on carrying her torch on beginning a chain reaction....a man who was watching CNN that night, with a gun on his head, gave his life to Jesus watching her funeral service. Her cousin, Jeff, finally gave his life to Jesus when she died...more than that, she started a totally new ministry motivated by her six diaries and essay...to change the lives of the teenagers today.
i admit i am not as brave as Jim Elliot or Rachel Joy Scott. they had been martyred for Christ. But i am truly inspired by how they pursue the will of God with just their lives that they do not fear losing their lives for others. Rachel even knew she was going to die as she wrote in the diary...whoa...this is truly the heartbeat of God...someday i wish i can learn to be brave to take up the call of God

be blessed by the videos.