Friday, May 25, 2012


Recently, after Destiny has went to be with the Lord in heaven on 20th May, 2012....I have began to view life very differently.

I have yet to tell you how much this little girl has impacted lives around her. I the next blog.

At this moment, I just feel heaviness within my heart. For so many things, looking at so many pictures....I see pictures of people doing so many things, things that they enjoy....these are all happy pictures. They are genuinely loving life.

I am happy for them....

Yet, deep within me is this deep sense burden. Burdenned by the fact that most of them, have not known Christ yet....or rather have once knew Him but now have walked away.

Will they ever know that God is real? Will they ever wonder if there is more to life? Will they ever find out about this eternal life?

How can I tell my family that I care if they knew this God who gives eternal life?
How can I tell my best friend that this God she introduced me is more real than ever today, from the years before?
How can I tell or make my friends comprehend, that I did not suddenly just become religious. Instead, I have found this ONE source of strength, source of hope that the world can never understand? That if you find it, you will never want to exchange Him for anything else too.
How can I tell the world, that everything else in this world is temporary...but there is ONE who offer eternal love, who loves and cares for them more than anyone can love and care for them?

I am burdened....but I know, all in God will never change. I take joy in that, and I believe, one day many will see it. I wished for them to find even greater JOY when they have found this eternal hope.

At this moment, I can't think of doing anything else, but to pray. =)