Monday, April 21, 2008

Three Stages to a Cell Group Growth! - People Ministry -

Finally!!!! Finals is over for this semester. Now i need to pray for a good promising results =)

This weekend and the few days to come before i go back to Taiping is going to be fruitful. I have been planning time to hang out with people whom i really care about, just to catch up as my whole of last semester and i believe the semesters to come have been sooo hectic that i didn't have the time to even hang out with close friends of mine....

Last night as we were having a steamboat gathering for the east zone leader, there is something AMAZING that i have learnt from a woman of God...FELICIA CHOONG....i believe it is very good and i really want to write this down for remembrance as well as to share this with all who are currently leading a cell group, or in the quest of training to be a leader....this is really important..Day in day out we have been doing this without categorizing into proper stages...however, after learning about the clear definition of each stage to a cell group growth, things just became clearer and easier to engage:

First stage to a cell group growth:
These are the times that leaders keep sowing sowing and giving generally into the lives of people whether in cell a leader is leading. And the process of it is very much of the leader giving rather than mutual giving. This stage is important to build the rapport of the leader (to know whether this is the leader whose vision you can run together with, and to know the characteristics of a leader), and also for the people who are being led to draw, learn and at the same time understand the whole big picture of what the leader is striving to achieve.

Second stage:
This is the time whereby discipleship is done super actively. The leader began to impact the lives of the core members, to go into each and every person's life (people ministry) get their hands dirty, rebuke, moulding, investing. At this time, the crucial thing is about building the lives of EACH and EVERY person and building personal relationship with the sheeps...whereby the person whom you invest your time into will learn about the expectations you have for each and everyone of them, know you more personally rather than just a brief character of a leader, and to understand the depths of the intention of your heart in everything you do for them and for the vision. At this point of time, there will be a lot of people dropping out, and coming up strong. Those who drop out are those who are unable to run the vision that the leader had have and gave up. Those who came up stronger and blossom are those who are really eager to run the vision and want to keep continue growing...Truly only those with strong character can end the race well.

Third stage:
During this time, those you have been building and staying strong with you have been so impacted that they are beginning to be empowered to impact the lives of others in order to continue running the vision you have planted into their hearts (naturally bringing in more friends to be impacted). In cell group context this is where the people begin to pour in and multiply. In other leadership context, this is when your leadership begin to be so influential that people not only just recognize your works, but at the same time, they are eager to be part of the work you are doing so that they can run your vision as well...

Learning these few stages have really got me thinking about the place where my cell and other people ministry groups i am leading are at right now. And truly understanding the stage of where you are at allow you to be able identify the needs as well as knowing what to do and how to deal with things. And despite of all that could have happen, the knowledge of the stages of growth of the group we are leading is able to help us to stay strong, focus and unshaken in the midst of circumstances. However, there is nothing as rigid as one stage after another. The overlapping of any stages are really for the leader to discern and identify.

This have been a fruitful weekend for me. I learnt a lot and in fact it is so much more easier to draw and learn especially when I am more relaxed right now...haha....after all, finals had ended! And time to focus on the restructuring of the other things which are crucial in my life. Like pastor always say, whatever you focus on will grow! In this season of my life, apart from my studies, which is my crucial priority to God, myself, my future and my family....the other most important thing i need to focus on right now are these growths! The rest of the other things shall has its own place and time to be considered important at other points of my life. I really want to learn the many ways i can really use in engaging the people ministry. If you have any idea...feel free to contribute! :) It will really really be an honor for me to learn! :)