Well, yesterday my cell leader Shirley told me that our cell group have to multiply soon, due to the exploding numbers of people...E22 has been indeed growing tremendously...both in numbers, commitment and spiritually (yesterday we have a breakthrough attendance of 37-40 people --> NOTE: we are NOT in a combine cell group meeting)....heee...so proud to be part of E22....Multiplication is something to be celebrated...because that proves that the cell group is no longer living in their own circle, but reaching out to friends already (that is a higher level of commitment)....well, it wasn't officially announced yet, but Shirley told me that i have to get ready to plant another cell in Bangsar. I was excited of course! It is definitely a chance to grow to the next level....and also another chance to serve God in a very different way...
However, another part of me felt it was too fast...i miss my cell leader...*sobs*...felt like i haven't drawn enough from her yet...but well, of cos....if you ask me, i will always say not yet draw enough lar...definitely..because it is comfortable being fed all the time isn't it?
...well ya...now i guess it is the time to do some feeding...and also another part of me negotiated with my mind questioning my readiness looking back at the period of time i have been here.....(ok that is the dependent voice in me...*tsk tsk* not good....)...hrmmph!! ignore that voice! must be confident!....all in all i have decided to take the challenge...and do my best! must seize all opportunities there are to move to the next level to serve God!..(else i will always linger around my own comfort zone)...and also i can still draw from shirley every thursday actually...haha....attend her cg! yay!! just the thought of needing to feed others as well makes me a little nervous (well, just like the first time i had to do bible study with others....)... i guess everything has its first time...and i will trust God in this because i know without Him, i can do nothing...in fact without Him everything done would be pointless....i hope with this i can experience serving God in a new level, as well as take the opportunity to equip myself for His future calling for me...cannot be stagnant all the time.."always strive to go higher, and do things with excellence. Must be sharp!" (Shirley Boon, 2007)
Shirley and Hazel
E22 2006, the humble beginning (--> I am not there! never had a picture with E22..sobs)
Attention E22! this thursday, group photo! dress smart... :P
sememangnya, perpisahan itu sebahagian daripada proses hidup...
i am going to miss E22 alot, and also being less "dependent" on shirley...ahhaa...not that now cannot refer to her anymore ler...of course all the time if there is anything she will still be my number one reference....just miss being a little baby having a "24-7 mummy" hahahaha....well, babies grow up and leave home...but "mummy" will still always be "mummy"...who will always be there in good or bad times...=)
E22!! Miss all the good times we had together...oh well!...it hasn't been announced officially yet...so when it is truly announced for real, then we shall have a grand farewell for all those who are moving off ya? *teehee* *hint hint*.....let's grow together and shine for God wherever we are! and after blogging, the peace of God and the overwhelming feeling of thankfulness suddenly fill me...see how blogging sometimes helps? ..ahaha
apart from multiplication, we are still in the same church, in the same zone, serving the same God
till i see you all in next blog, don't miss me