EMERGE WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!! *ten thumbs up*
finally, a reason to blog! ho ho ho....guess what........me and my team for word power won champion and we have a digital camera each!!!!!!!!!!....well even though it is only 5 megapixel and not really a new model, but i have been dreaming for a camera for sssssssssssssssssssooooooooooooooooooooo long....so i am really happy heee....its free!!!!!....so the day before yesterday and yesterday i made FULL use of the camera....and there are already some "haunting spirits" hovering over my camera.....
i can hear their voices ringing in my head ...."give me your camera...a....a....a...(with echo effect)"....."cell group's picture is in your handss...hands...hands...hands (with fading and echoic effect)" ----> (p/s: these spirits consist of dennis, hunter, james, jan).... ahhh!!!! *runs*....i will make you all a paper camera each....I PROMISE I PROMISE!!!!!!!!
so these are my cell group members....everyone's so happy happy yappy yappy...(the emerge after effect)...look at all the pots of bak kut teh...*tsk tsk tsk* macam manalah tak gemuk ya?.....and look at all these creative (silly) faces ---> pastor's sermon about creativity must have really impacted them inside out...heeee :P
next up.....well look at hunter before and after....aaaaaaaahahah --> sorry bro... promoting him ma...
if you don't see much difference, that's because his hair got messed up...but trust me man...he become more modern d...woohooo...ya hor ge hor?
Now introducing the vain pots of e22, e17 and e4....hehehe.....see their reactions when they realised there is a camera...*tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk*...and uh....look at the intense concentration the people at the end of the table had toward bak kut the (mostly e25)....perhaps i should conduct a test concerning the effects of bak kut teh on human's aggression......maybe buy bak kut teh and let them smell in the lab...muahaha...fun fun! (opps... there goes the mad scientist living in me...! )
so these are some other pictures i considered nice (big part of the reason is because i took them! )...yesterday early morning i went to church.....and after that, my brother wanted to bring me out for lunch...that's the romantic nice picture of our road trip to midvalley!!!
our lunch ended up with a full day of shopping....walking and walking and walking....(i think i got thinner)...and my poor feet were wobbly when i came home....but it was good it was good....i had the chance to aim alot of things to buy later.......though it is the last day for mega sales....but i satisfy myself with the fact that i am able to touch those sales item :P should have tried on all the nice dress and take picture of myself....look at the crowd man......
)....walk speedily toward the kid and began holding her hands...she was crying already....then some passer-bys stopped my brother and asked..."excuse me, sir...are you her parent?"....when i heard that i almost laughed you see....she has green eyes and yellowish hair...my brother on the other hand is a pure chinese....my brother tried answering them, but i guess he answered quite softly and they couldn't get what he meant...so in the end i told them no she's not his kid and she's lost and we are bringing her to the information counter....and they were like...ohhhh ohhhh and let us go (probably thought we are going to kidnap her)....but this child is so cute....when she was in the information counter...she kept crying and looking at us, as though asking us to save her....cos we left her there....and then, she tried running out.....but ya...she was in good hands now.....my brother...haha...fell in love with that arabian little girl....bro if u are seeing this, perhaps it is time for you to have your own kid :P...........well, not only him la...i also fell in love with that little girl....she's just so cute!...maybe i should be a child psychologist and open a kindergarten...hrmm.....but only for kids whose limb are not so developed yet...else keeping up with their paces would kill our muscles...
okok back to the megasales story....mine oh mine.......all these "SALES" signs were screaming at me!....as though i will be sentenced to a lifetime of jail if i don't do something about it!!!...but in the end i chose to resist the temptation...for it is said:
1 Corinthians 10:13
oh my goodness...look at those sales sign!!
so i passed the test....halleluia!!....nonetheless....there is yet another test to pass....i was brought to bangsar area and we went into the boutiques.....*sigh* who can resist all these sales....at least not for long la......so yes! this time....the calling from the shirts and accessories were very strong..."buy me buy me!" they said....crying out for attention...i took pity on them, and i decided it would be a noble thing to do, to be a good owner of these poor lonely things....however...well.................. ahahahaa.....pokoknya i didn't buy anything in the end
and there there...finally...let's talk a little bit about my toe......finally a picture of my poor little toe.....well, for those who don't know, there was once when i was in a super-packed bus, the bus door opened and my toe was not saved in time ...however, will thank God it wasn't broken...but it bled like crazy
...... and i freaked the whole bus hehe
...for a while i didn't dare to see the doctor...but when it grew black and cannot bend, i decided to see the doctor...and the doctor said no broken bone, but perhaps broken veins! let's just hope that the doctor is right, and i needn't have to amputate my whole toe ya....it seemed blacker now....hrmmmmmmmmmm
poor toe-ey toe-ey.....when you are better and bendable, we shall go kick every bus door...so here's a nice picture of my quite well-healed toe...cannot see much actually, cos my brother changed my camera resolution to a lower one, so that i can take more pictures...hehehee.....such an angel eh? so there...with some kulit yang dikupas....here here
so finally we have once again come to an end of my camera story..in time to come there will be a more pictorial blog and it will be super interesting! promise man, promise!
and to hunter, james, dennis and jan......heee.....my camera says hi =P