Started with a little girl who inspired me to live a courageous life. Her name was Destiny Zoe Oh, went back to the Lord 3 days after her birth because of Edward Syndrome. She was a fighter...a are her parents.
Answering The Call
2012 ended with a lunch that I never forget with my boss, David. It was a normal catch-up and he asked me what was my plan for my future. I was a little confused back then...neither here nor there, because I was too afraid to step up. I shared with him the burden I had for sex workers and human trafficked victims since 2010...but didn't have the courage to do anything because I don't know if it is really time, or if it is really something for me...

So I did. I took his advice. Contacted Redeeming roses, I contact I have gotten since 2010 but was too afraid to call up. Finally I did....and I was invited to join ICAP Conference....there I had many divine connections....crossed path with many people who are driven with the same passion.
Divine Connections
I met Carmen and Ruth in the conference. They invited me to try out an outreach to sex workers in Petaling Street. I joined them a few discouraged once or twice...but each time, the experience was very fulfilling. Almost always, I encountered God in the journey...Eventually I joined Safe Community...and little did I know this small little experience have connected me to MORE divine connections.
Posted a post on Facebook regarding my street experience one day...and Phoebe Tan, an amazing girl who has been in the same church for so many years (we knew each other but were never close), contacted me with excitement...Asking if I go to the street. And we shared, exchanged stories....and she brought me to even more divine connections..that's when I met more crazy people who were all out for the same thing. I get to know people like Baboo, Radiance, John, SuWen and many more....who were young people going all out to establish the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth. It was awesome...and meeting these people drive me further...inspiring me to me bolder in even more things.

People who have somehow get connected with me because of this call were also people who are on their way to making a difference for this nation. I am grateful. David Oh, who is attempting to make a difference in the arena of poverty of our nation....Shirley Boon, who is also attempting to do something for sex trafficking victims in Malaysia, exploring all possibilities....Sharon Boon, who is attempting to make a difference in social entrepreneurship.. providing solar light to the poor....Yunn Min, the powerhouse doctor. I am not sure what are her plans yet, but I have a very strong feeling in my heart she is going to be a nation mover too....Shu Qing, who quit her comfortable job to work with World Vision. I know in days to come, many of my venture will help me to get connected to NGOs through her....Agnes, my roommate and confidant who is currently making a difference in our Puchong community. Her undying spirit is really really inspiring....YB Jullian, whom I got closer to in Sarawak...he has been texting me time in time out for prayers and also to update him on issues that he can bring up to the parliament. Such passionate man to make a difference!...Kelvin Yii, who is attempting to make a difference in the political world...Woon Hann, who is attempting to make a difference in policy making of our nation....
Somehow this season of life, we crossed path, and have opportunity to sit down and share at least once or twice on how we are each pursuing this dream God placed in our hearts. We are all on our way in making this happen. Someday, I strongly believe, we will all cross path again and work with one another to glorify His Kingdom.
With that, this year I begin to learn to move in the pray for the sick and to prophesy over others. It was awesome. God has been good in the sense He also brought my church through the same journey. I always felt He was really giving me a lot of favor because it was the time that I was given many chance to practice...not only in service, but also during prayer meetings, and also bible study group! How can it not be God?
The Shift and Confirmations
Then it was Shirley's birthday and all of us did something different. We all decide to bless our leader with something eternal and spiritual, because we know if she gets more from God, the entire team will go to the next level. Hehe. So we collected money to send our dearest leader to Hillsong Conference 2013. I was watching the conference via web podcast because I was eager to capture even through the screen. Hillsong Conference...was amazing...even only through the internet.
In the conference...within that few days, I got the answers to what I was praying for during my annual 40 days fast. I got the answer to the masters that I was about to take, and the direction on the streets I was about to go with. I was so impacted...really truly impacted....that in that instant, the final service of Hillsong Conference, I was telling Jan....I am believing God that 2014 Hillsong Conference I will be able to be there personally....everything fully paid for. With that instance...within 30 seconds...Shirley texted me saying that she felt the prompting of God and have signed me up for Hillsong Conference 2014. I teared...immediately. My prayer was answered in 30 seconds!!
Now my tickets have been paid for. Believing for the other finances to come. Amen.
Shirley came back. At the moment, I felt that there is shift happening in the entire church. It was that divine moment....that was when our subzone was spinned out as a zone. And Shirley was sharing with me on her heart with regards to fighting human gosh...what could be more divine than that...At that moment, I just felt God's reminder saying...when the time comes, you will know.

The Provision for a Vision

I considered this for quite awhile. Wasn't sure till the day I received confirmation during Hillsong Conference live podcast. So I signed up....and in the course of interviews I was discouraged...and made a prayer...God if this is Your will for me...let me pass through and get the course. I did. In fact, many others believed that i could go in, and even begin to prepare for me to re-enter college even when I wasn't sure if I could. Haha! turning back.
It was also recently that I was wondering if I am able to find a friend in the class of 15. And God gave me a hometown friend who is also accepted into the same course. WOW. I am really taken care of :)
So 2014, I am geared up to equip myself in the furtherance of His Kingdom's cause.
The Chain Reaction
In 2013, I was very inclined to making a difference in my nation. I went to Myanmar mission trip in May, and I have to say, it was precisely those moments that inspired me how believers can make a difference. The people has been praying for their country...and the pastor we knew is now given a chance to go on television every week to be a witness for Christ. They even run Christmas parties for officials, and even roped in to give advise to the government in relatable matters. I was very I entered their Children conference and I saw children praying for the 7 pillars of the nation, I was totally taken aback.
I came back...and I wanted to do the same for my nation. Here is where I met those whose heart is also heavy for their own nation...praying and believing for a breakthrough. The chain reaction happened. Throughout the country. I joined many interchurch prayer meetings praying for our country...and it was always truly motivating. Joined conferences, is where I met many familiar faces whom I never realize have the same burden too. Chain reaction is happening throughout the nation among believers.
I also have the opportunity to connect more with someone dear to my heart from Russia. Her name is Charis Lian...she had been there to motivate me, seeing what she is doing over in Moscow was truly inspiring. And indeed a chain reaction is happening. Her entire fellowship changed in direction because of persistency and perseverance. A history maker indeed.. Adding on to that is Shirley's message on evangelismehould be concerned about who we can share the love of Christ with.
With that D-zone also embarked on a new project bringing the love of Christ outside the four walls of the the was indeed...a chain reaction. Many came back different after the mooncake festival experience. And many more joined for the Christmas Street experience. A chain reaction sparked..
Kick Off The Boat! Walk on Water...
This year I have two very amazing spiritual parents who constantly kick me off the boat and make me walk on water! Haha. David and Shirley are amazing believers of people.
They believed in me. From leading a small team in Myanmar, to going to business networking, to running half a marathon, to offering challenge in service, leading pre-service prayer meeting, praying after praise, to be entrusted a subzone...and eventually I led my subzone to Sarawak for mission trip.
In 2014 they are expecting me to join Bungee Jumping. A year of no-repeat indeed. Haha! Prays hard...But I truly thank God for people who believed in me.
It is a year where God dealt a lot with my emotions as well. I thank God for the book "Captivating" a book many women should read. It helps us to be a healthy woman serving God and yet to be healthily completed by the Bridegroom...Jesus Himself. Not to be strong, but to be graceful and embrace love. To nurture.
I was brought through my hurts, pains, struggles, self-esteem, rejections, wanting acceptance, fears...things that I need to deal with, with God. I believe it is a time of preparation for more things to come in 2014. I am anticipating.
My Family
Finally, and most importantly....God has brought me through many breakthroughs in my family. It was this year that I want to commit more to my family. To come home at least once a month, and to make a difference every time I come home. It isn't easy. Old habits are hard to kill. But I was able to become closer to my mom and grandma. I wanted my family to see that Christianity is not just about a set of do's and don'ts....but extraordinary love for one another.
I came back most times just to show love. This year I was able to share with my mom briefly about Christ, even offered prayer...even though rejected...but I am very sure, something changed in her heart. I prayed for my grandma as well. I am believing 2014...more to come.
I am also very grateful for prayers answered. I have a pair of aunt and uncle from Hong Kong who are doing their best to reach out to my family as well as they are well respected by my parents. Also a music teacher whom I met through the event my uncle and aunt organized...saying that they will try their best to befriend and reach out too.
Salvation is near. I am believing God for their salvation...and for them to finally see values and things through His eyes. Pray with me if you would. They are really important to me. I often have my soft spots for them and I believe God knows the desire of my heart.
2014, I want to journey even closer with them....
There are many more things to thank God for in I have been proud with many members of mine, how ministry grew, things become better in different areas, financial provisions, how I have got a new phone and etc. But I guess, all in all I am grateful to Him for the preparation and clearer direction He has spun me into, the divine connections He has placed in my life, and the amazing loved ones who never stopped believing in me. This year, I have also learned to dampen my suspicious heart, learning to give love more than judgment. Still working on it.
And...I will never exchange this for anything else.
2013 indeed has been an awesome year. In fact, the best year ever in my life. I know coming 2014, there will be many changes...many transitions...and I am going to experience many unthinkables...but I am very confident, with God...the best is indeed still yet to come. Anticipating 2014.
Happy New Year everyone!