Monday, December 22, 2008

Stay Still = Being a vessel

Certain unpleasant things in life happen repetitively again and again when you step foot into that particular place.

Sometimes it seem unbearable...sometimes it drain the best of you, and you keep wondering, when will those events take a toll and stop happening? Sometimes you wish you have the guts to walk away and call it quit...stop caring. Sometimes you wish you can just not step foot there again, but you know that would be something wrong to do..

Tonight as I was meditating on the Word of God, 10.02pm...God said this to me:

You want your life to be a vessel for Me
You said you would lay your life on the altar for me
Well, sometimes I do not need you to do anything fancy...but by merely putting through with the the toils and  brokenness, the storm in your life...
If you are willing to bear, if you are willing to persevere...if you do not give will be My vessel, you have truly put your life on the altar for Me to work with.

Don't meditate on the fact that things drains you, even if it repetitively does.
Don't doubt a single minute that things will not change....
If you stay there long enough, if you keep allowing Me to use you as a vessel to go through challenges strong!...the change will come and you will be the reflection of Me in the darkest place.
You do not need to do much, but just merely stay there, be strong...and what I would be pleased with...and keep doing it even when nobody appreciates it. You are My vessel...and you have to know your place and your appointed time. Don't miss My plan.

Honestly it didn't occur to me that staying still in negative situations would mean being a vessel for God sometimes apart from all the mission works and ministry - it didn't occur to me that clearly, until now. I hope it encourages anyone of you who are going through certain circumstances and you feel like you really want to escape but you know you shouldn't?...yes sometimes God used you as a vessel by just you choosing to stay through in those places. And do what He wants you to do, react how He wants you to react...

Stay strong! =)) If God is using you as a vessel to stay in rough circumstances, He will not leave you and stroll away before He comes back again. He is there providing you the strength to stay.

Be blessed! =)