Saturday, March 1, 2008


Well, midterm is officially OVER today! And i am in the library happily celebrating and blogging (due to the fact that there is no more internet line at home...sigh)...but well, don't be fooled! The ending of midterm is only the beginning of a more stressful time! With tons and tons of college projects, community services...etc etc etc....busy busy busy!

So sorry for the long "silence" in my blog. I think i need 30 hours a day to get everything accomplished. Oh well...even though times are stressful but i am glad that i have something to do...and at the same time it has been a good stretch for me...Learnt so many things! So turn to your neighbor and say...stress is good! However do learn to regulate your stress. Else according to the psychology book which i studied...too much stress will cause a certain hormone called cortisol to be released and then it will cause your health to deterioriate due to the fact that your body is always on the verge of "flight and fight" response (stress is an indication of the need to fight for energy in the body will only be concentrated on gettting your body ready to fight and ignore your health!)

LOL...i don't know why i did it again...but yah...there i go again with my confusing psychological theories and yaddaa yadaaa yadaa...anyway i am happy! wee~~ cause at least i felt like i have completed my midterms. Sense of relief.. Hence, the blog! hahahaha....

a quote for all of you to ponder on when you are under any circumstances (be it stresses or any psychological or physiological torments you are going through):


and that...applies to almost anything! Toodles!~