But there are others who would break your heart, and others who would disappoint you. Others who would speak words that would try to bring you down, or do things that sabotages your livelihood, or just couldn't care less about anything that would matters to you, or would turn your love into their hatreds, or take the care you give or your rebukes and teachings as prejudice rather than love. Some could not trust that you can be a person who tells the truth but at the same time is also the person who actually loves and does things to benefit them.
So what do you do? My leader once said....learn to focus on the right people. God recently taught me to learn to let go.... Letting go, doesn't mean you do not care, but it simply means properly generate and investing your energy on the correct channel, people who would help us be better, people who would want to be better, people who would not drain every single bit of us. Not that those who does not appreciate us are no longer important anymore. They are, but perhaps their time is not now? Or perhaps this is where our journey ends together, somebody else will come along the way to pick him or her up from where we both stopped? Letting go is not cruel. Letting go is letting God to do His work, and not take over His job description.

Letting go is simply the two-way benefit. One to reserve his or her energy for the right people who would benefit from it, and also to protect oneself from being crushed from constant disappointments and finally stop functioning the way God wants him or her to function. Another, to take time to learn the truth, "bang the wall", and to have space to grow while exploring alone. Some people learn better that way.
But all in all, arms have to be still wide open. Should this one person fall, we must be the one who catches. Not judge, not hurl insults, not prove anything. But just to purely just catch, love, hug, and provide security.
Letting go.....is not easy. But holding on to something unfruitful is even tougher. Do you have anyone or anything in life you need to let go? Maybe a past hurt, maybe a past grudge, maybe someone who have broken your heart years before. Everyone by nature, will have something in life that they will be eager to hold on to firmly, eager to take control of and see results. Some are with people, some are with things or events in life. Nobody can say that they can totally let go of everything, especially significant things, people and event in life. I personally have a few to name. But think again. Is it worth the hold?
One must learn, when something is too tiring or draining to hold on to, it is time to let go, and let God. Unless, it is one that God pushes us to keep holding on to it for our benefit and for us to grow. Other than that, let's allow God to do His work, and stop taking control of everything. We, in fact are merely human,not God. Let's not try to take over God's job. We will go nowhere. Just do our best, and God will surely handle the rest.
As much as we learn to love, learning to let go at the right moment, and at the right situation is also very crucial.
Hope this small little thought and lesson blessed you today... :))